In office, via telehealth, and outdoors...
In my 25 years as a therapist I've had particular success treating those struggling through life's inevitable transitions (graduation, relocation, marriage, divorce, career change, a break-up, major decisions, etc.), as well as folks experiencing various forms of anxiety. I have lived experience with blended families and understand the complexities of parenting and partnering within that framework. Establishing trust and creating a safe working relationship is my first priority; from there, I lean heavily on experiential, CBT, and mindfulness-based approaches. Clients are often given "homework" (journaling, experimenting with new behaviors, etc.) designed to help them apply the skills and insights gained in therapy to everyday life. Recently certified in nature-informed therapy, I provide outdoor sessions for clients interested in engaging Nature as a "co-therapist" in our work together.
Allison Banbury, M.Ed., LPC, NCC